How SplitBase Increased DIFF Eyewear’s Conversions by 55% with Landing Pages

  • Landing Page Design & Optimization
  • Full-Site Testing & Optimization
  • Data-Driven Website Redesign Guidance
DIFF Eyewear Landing Page Case Study

The Client

DIFF Eyewear

DIFF is a Los Angeles based direct-to-consumer eyewear company built on the principle that designer eyewear should be affordable, fashionable, and socially-conscious. The brand has been championed by celebrities such as Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Scott Disick, Demi Lovato, Cameran Eubanks, just to name a few.

The Challenge

Increasing mobile conversions for paid media campaigns

DIFF Eyewear has been at the forefront of the rise of direct-to-consumer companies. With costs to acquire customers through Facebook and other paid media channels constantly increasing, the company needed to reduce customer acquisition costs by increasing their website’s conversion rates.

After discussions with a few other agencies, the company chose to work with SplitBase for its experience working with direct-to-consumer brands, and it’s deep expertise in customer research, experimentation, and optimization.

The Solution

Creating optimized landing pages built using customer data

Following an in-depth audit of DIFF’s customer acquisition strategy, we noticed that most of the brand’s paid traffic was sent to their homepage, or to collection pages. Since those pages were not optimized specifically for paid traffic, we determined there was an opportunity to increase conversions using optimized landing pages.

Before we started building landing pages, it was imperative that we fully understood DIFF’s customers and site visitors. We needed answers to questions like:

  • What makes people buy from the brand?
  • What stops people from buying from the brand?
  • What are their site visitors’ biggest questions? Hesitations?
  • Are there undetected usability issues that negatively impact visitor behaviors?
  • What’s missing from the website that would get more people to buy?

Guessing the answers to these questions would have been useless. We needed to get real data, from real customers. This is when we began our signature Conversion Blueprint process.

This meant:

1. Doing an in-depth analysis of DIFF’s Google Analytics data to better understand paths to purchase.

2. Auditing the website based on proven conversion principles to identify conversion roadblocks.

3. Analyzing heatmaps, clickmaps, and scrollmaps to better understand visitor behaviors.

4. Doing exit surveys on their site to figure out why people didn’t take action.

5. Deploying surveys to existing customers to understand their buying process, how they buy, and why they buy.

6. Running usability tests to see what’s working well on the site, and what needs improvement.

We then created landing pages that reflected how mobile visitors browsed, behaved, and bought – based on the findings of the above research process. Those landing pages were tested against the existing pages that DIFF was sending their paid traffic to.

The Results

Mobile traffic sent to the newly created landing pages converted up to 55% better

The landing pages were tested with thousands of customers, for multiple weeks. The results were significant, as we saw that people who landed on those landing pages from paid ads converted up to 55% better than people who simply went to the homepage, best sellers page, or other collection pages.

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