How SplitBase Helped Haute Hijab Increase Ecommerce Conversions by 26.8%

  • Full-Site Optimization
  • Data-Driven Website Redesign Guidance
Haute Hijab Conversion Optimization Case Study

The Client

Haute Hijab

Haute Hijab is a New York based direct-to-consumer fashion and lifestyle brand for Muslim women.

They are the leading U.S. hijab brand, offering a wide variety of innovative and high-performance fabrics, styles, and designs ranging from every day to luxury. By elevating the hijab category and creating an engaged online community of Muslim women, Haute Hijab seeks to break down stereotypes and create “a global community that celebrates and empowers the hijab-wearing woman”.

The Challenge

Understanding which changes to their website would push the needle

As a fast growing DTC brand, Haute Hijab was continuously updating their website to reflect their growth needs. As they would work on improvements, they would design by committee, discussing possible improvements internally and through their own experiences, and launched the changes they thought would work best.

Ultimately, they quickly realized that even if their design changes looked good, they were not able to tell if those changes actually increased sales.

“Before SplitBase we had no way of systematically understanding which elements of our ecommerce experience contributed to conversions and why. We constantly updated our site and hoped for the best but we never knew which change had pushed the needle and why.”

- Alice Millard, Haute Hijab

The Solution

A data-driven conversion optimization program

As a heavily data-driven ecommerce company who values customer insights and analytics tremendously, Haute Hijab wanted to work with a conversion optimization agency with a solid research process, and a specialization in fashion and DTC brands. That’s when they engaged SplitBase.

First, SplitBase began its Conversion Blueprint™ research process to:
  • Understand what made people buy from Haute Hijab, and why some didn’t.
  • Find out their website visitors’ main doubts, hesitations and objections.
  • Pinpoint which parts of the website caused friction, and drove potential customers away.

Through this quantitative and qualitative research process, that included a thorough analysis of their web analytics, in tandem with customer surveys, usability testing, website polls, mouse tracking and session recordings, amongst other methodologies, SplitBase created a comprehensive Blueprint that was used to increase conversions.

Based on this Blueprint, SplitBase executed their Continuous Optimization Program where website changes were made and A/B tested. This allowed Haute Hijab to improve their website based on data instead of gut feelings, or simply, “what looked good”.

“The SplitBase team have helped us tremendously over the past many months to improve our online store and also understand our consumer. Due to their insights, we've fully redesigned our product page and are working on redesigning our collection pages and new user funnels as well.”

- Alice Millard, Haute Hijab

The Results

26.8% Site-wide Conversion Rate Increase

18% Revenue Per User Growth

With the help of the Blueprint and the Continuous Optimization Program, Haute Hijab were able to redesign key parts of the website, such as their product pages, in a way that would answer their customers’ questions and hesitations.

“We're making smarter decisions about why we are embarking on any new project. Our new initiatives are based on research, data and educated insights.”

The new changes, through SplitBase’s work, also enabled the company to achieve substantial growth:

“After only 5 months into the program, we've increased RPU by 18% and site-wide conversions by 26.8%"

- Alice Millard, Marketing, HauteHijab

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